Realname Keyword: Heathrow Declaration
The Heathrow Declaration
"The Internet needs effective, lightweight, and sensible
coordination in a few limited areas, allowing ample room for the
and change that makes this unique resource so useful
and valuable."
- M. Stuart Lynn, "ICANN: The Case for Reform", 2002
On February 24, 2002, M. Stuart Lynn, CEO of ICANN, published a president's
report entitled "ICANN - The Case for
Reform". While this proposal provides an incredibly insightful analysis
of what ails ICANN, there is a widely held view that the reform proposal
will not adequately provide the support, infrastructure and mission that a
strong ICANN requires.
ICANN's basic idea is legitimate: a private-sector organization, founded in
corporate law rather than international treaty, is an appropriate political
and legal arrangement to engage in the management of the DNS. Private
interests in the DNS are best expressed and dealt with directly, rather than
through the indirect and cumbersome apparatus of governments.
Accordingly, it is our contention that an examination of the basic
principles that flow out of this premise must be undertaken in light of the
current dynamics. Without this examination, and a statement of the evident
findings, it will not be possible to progress with reasonable reform that
supports the needs and interests of affected stakeholders.
Our goal is to foster a productive discussion among the parties that make up
ICANN, or who have an interest in the good management of the DNS. We all
have a serious interest in keeping ICANN, or something very much like it,
able to perform those necessary functions of domain name management for
which it was created. Let us cooperate in the task of making it work well.
With this in mind, we have created a document that outlines a new approach
to ICANN reform that outlines the basic principles upon which a new ICANN
can be founded and a structure that will facilitate the implementation and
operation of this coordinative body. This document is not complete, nor is
it authoritative, however it is our hope that it can act as a catalyst to
move discussion from "Why ICANN is fatally flawed" to "how do we achieve the
original goals set out in the White Paper?".
The purpose of these documents is to provide a departure point for positive
and directive discussion of ICANN reform. The authors do not see this
document as an endpoint but as a starting point and are hopeful that
interested and informed parties will expand on the ideas expressed herein,
especially within areas of their specific subject matter. We expect
interested parties to dissect this document and pursue specific discussions
on the various points and principles made. An analysis of this nature will
allow for the creation of a structure that supports and informed statement
of the specific ideals that will allow ICANN to work well.
This discussion is not intended to be exhaustive, nor should it be
(although it may be) the only thread of its kind. The more voices that weigh
in, the more refined the output will be and the more valid the conclusions
will become. However, this discussion must necessarily be rational, informed
and must be managed towards the goals stated in this document.
Achieving these goals will not be easy, however, the Internet community has
demonstrated on any number of occassions that it can and will continue to
band together to solve problems of universal importance.
Special thanks to Hostopia for providing the webspace and bandwidth and Tucows for the mailing list resources.
Comments on the Heathrow Declaration
- Karl Auerbach (April 1, 2002) - [PDF]
ICANN Committee on Evolution & Reform
- Relevant documents and resources - [HTML]
- Interim Report - [HTML]
- Recommendations for the Evolution and Reform of ICANN - [HTML]
Tucows Comments to the ERC
- Tucows Comments on the Recommendations for the Evolution and Reform of ICANN - June 7, 2002 [WORD][PDF][HTML]
- Tucows Draft Proposal and Request for Comments Concerning ICANN's Role in Relation to Contracted Parties - June 26, 2002 [HTML][DOC][PDF]
- Tucows Comments to the Implementation Committee on the Names Policy Development Process - July 30, 2002 [HTML][DOC][PDF]
Proposal for establishing a Commercial Dispute Resolution Process (CDRP)
- Tucows Comments to the Implementation Committee on the Names Policy Development Process - July 30, 2002 [HTML][DOC][PDF]
- Frequently Asked Questions about the CDRP - September 4, 2002 [TXT][DOC]
Mailing List
Those wishing to participate in the development of the Heathrow Declaration
are welcome to join the moderated AWG mailing list by sending a subscription request to the
mailing list manager for confirmation and subscription. Messages sent from
this list will be sent to "".
Current Reform Proposals
- ICANN: The Case for Reform (Lynn) - [LINK]
- The Accra Manifesto (Barlow) - [LINK]
- Overcoming ICANN: Forging Better Paths for the Internet (PFIR) - [LINK]
- A Proposal for More Realistic Domain Name Governance (New.Net) - [PDF][HTML]
- Independent Submission to the ICANN Evolution & Reform Committee
(Younger) - [LINK]
- The Svensson/GA Draft r.03 - [LINK]
- ITU-T on ICANN Reform (Houlin Zhao, ITU, ISB) - [WORD][PDF]
- ICANN Reform - a personal view (Alvestrand) - [LINK]
- ICANN 2 and the ccTLD Community (CENTR) - [PDF/LINK]
Background Information
NOTE: Please send relevent links to for inclusion in this
- ICANN: The Case for Reform (Lynn) - [LINK]
- Toward a Statement of the ICANN Mission (ICANN Staff) - [LINK]
- The Accra Manifesto (Barlow) - [LINK]
- Overcoming ICANN: Forging Better Paths for the Internet (PFIR) - [LINK]
- A Prescription
to Promote the Progress of Science and Useful Arts (Auerbach) - [LINK/PDF]
- Original Boston Working Group Background Materials (BWG) - [LINK]
- International Forum on the White Paper Consensus Points (IFWP) - [LINK]
- One History of DNS (Rader) - [LINK]
- Thoughts on Internet Naming Systems - (Auerbach presentation to NRC) - [LINK/PPT]
- ITU Unofficial Documents Area (DNS) - (ITU) - [LINK]
- A proposal to introduce market-based principles
into Domain Name Governance ( - [PDF]
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by Ross Wm.
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